Nexus-e annual strategy meeting: fruitful achievements in the past and clear roadmap for the future

The Nexus-e team successfully held its annual strategy meeting to conclude the past fruitful year and to draw a roadmap for the future. In a hybrid format with members joining online and in-person, the team aligned on the vision and identified tasks for the coming months and years.

by Energy Science Center (ESC)

One week ago, the Nexus-e annual strategy meeting took place at the external pageKommandoraum of the Impact Hub in Zurich. The meeting brought together researchers, professors, and the Nexus-e management to align their perspectives.

At the beginning of the meeting, Marius Schwarz, Nexus-e project manager, summarized the progress and achievements of the last year: personnel changes, conclusion of the long-term project with the external pageSwiss Federal Office of Energy, improvement of the usability of the Nexus-e platform, increase of the public exposure and outreach (e.g., external pageETH Industry eWeek and Energy Data Hackdays), and launch of new projects with new partners.

Following this kick-off speech, the workshop to brainstorm on the vision and tasks for the coming months and years started. In the first part of the workshop, the team discussed the vision for Nexus-e, identified key users of the platform, their needs, and what features the platform should add to address them. In the second part of the workshop, the brainstorming was intensified and channeled in order to set and prioritize concrete goals according to different time horizons. As a result of this process, a roadmap for Nexus-e was developed.

Do you want to participate in the future development of Nexus-e? We are looking forward to !

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