Successful "Energy Week @ ETH"

The Energy Science Center (ESC) of ETH Zurich once again organized a major energy symposium, this year for four days in an hybrid format. The motto was "Climate Neutral Switzerland 2050: What Energy System Do We Need?" For those who were not able to attend the event live, all presentations and video recordings are now available online

by Energy Science Center (ESC)

The focus dialogues and the symposium covered topics such as “Energieszenarien für eine klimaneutrale Schweiz», Technologische Anforderungen für ein nachhaltiges Energiesystem», "Saisonale Energiespeicherung", " Sektorkopplung: Strom, Wärme, Gas", " Wasserstoff als Energiespeicher", " Automatisierung der Stromnetze". The Graduate Symposium gave the opportunity to “Rethinking Tomorrow’s Energy Landscape” during a design thinking process.

More information, presentations and video recordings are available online

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