Arijit Upadhyay joins the ESC as Scientific Assistant

The Energy Science Center (ESC) is very pleased to welcome Arijit Upadhyay as new member of the ESC team. Arijit joined the existing team of the Nexus-​e research project in July 2022.

by Energy Science Center (ESC)
Arijit Upadhyay

Arijit Upadhyay joined the Energy Science Center (ETH Zurich) in July 2022 as a scientific assistant for the external pageNexus-e project. He is working on scenario developments for various projects at ESC and collaborating towards making the Nexus-e platform open source. Previously, he obtained a Master's degree in Energy Science and Technology (MEST) from ETH Zurich. In his Master thesis, Arijit worked on assessing the role of hydrogen as a long-term energy storage medium for the European electricity system at different spatial resolutions. His areas of interest include energy modeling, optimization and markets.

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